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British Values​​​​​​​

In Year 5 pupils at Templars develop their respect for other cultures and our own in historical explorations of the Anglo Saxons and Vikings, beginning to appreciate our historical heritage and the contributions different cultures have made to ours. These topics also helps contribute to our pupils’ understanding of the role of law in British society through exploring how the United Kingdom was governed in the past (through Danelaw and hierarchical society) whilst comparing this to our modern democracy. Through our study of the Americas, we develop further understanding of the processes of democracy and how different countries and people have different views of the world depending on their own historical background.

Through our topic work in Year 5 on Space, we investigate the conflicts that can arise between religion and science, investigating different beliefs around how the Earth and Universe were created and examining how attitudes towards religion and science have changed over time.

In English, pupils will experience diversity by looking at stories set in different cultures, focussing on different narratives and poetry, and written by a range of authors, to enable them to reflect upon different perspectives of life. Pupils will also have the opportunity to write their own stories set in different cultures.

Across all subjects, pupils will be exposed to a diverse range of historical and modern figures who have contributed to British innovation in society. Through these key individuals, pupils will develop further understanding of the multi-culturalism present in modern Britain and the challenges and discrimination that some people may face and how they can show greater tolerance and counter discriminatory behaviour.

In PE lessons in this year group the pupils learn about respect and following rules by learning to play a range of team games with their class teachers.