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British Values

In year 4, we will teach the five fundamental British values through our three topics which are: A slice of Italy, Walk like an Egyptian and Belonging. 

Throughout all of our topics children learn about a wide selection of experts, scientists, activists, artists, historians and writers who all have helped to shape our society. These people are carefully chosen to represent our wonderfully diverse world and expose our children to different cultures. During our PSHE lessons, children can translate this knowledge into embracing and nurturing relationships both within the school and community settings. 

We will also look at current affairs relevant to our city and country. These include Brexit, Covid19 and The City of Culture 2021. Children are encouraged and supported to share their opinions and feelings whilst showing compassion and tolerance to the views of others. 

We will learn how history has impacted our approach to politics, government and law in Great Britain as many of our current systems and traditions are based on Roman ideals. 

In PE, children learn the values of respect, teamwork and discipline through a wide range of team games. We encourage them to apply these values during breaktimes. 

In our Belonging topic the children will learn about what it means to live in a democratic society. We will compare the United Kingdom to other countries with different styles of leadership. Children will be encouraged to think about how democracy affects their life. They will take part in a simulated elections as they choose our school leadership team. We encourage tolerance and mutual respect through teaching children about the movement of refugees and how Coventry was the first city in the U.K to welcome Syrian refugees. Given Coventry's long history of accepting refugees it is important that children learn about the city's rich past as an asylum dispersal city.