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Year 6

The Year 6 team

The Year 6 team for 2023 - 2024 is:

6H - Miss Hewett
6L - Mrs Leigh
6R - Mrs Rubidge
Mrs Rigley
Mrs Williams

We will also work with:

Miss McLean (PE)
Miss Roberts (Art)
Mrs Irgens (RE)
Madame Parrott (French)

Welcome to Year 6

Year 6 is the final year at Templars and we work hard to ensure all children reach their full potential before they leave primary school. We strive to provide all the Year 6 children with memories they will treasure forever and experiences which will prepare them for their lives beyond Templars.

Year 6s have a great deal of new learning to undertake in addition to revising earlier learning in preparation for the Key Stage 2 SATs. We make sure our children have a deep understanding of all areas of the curriculum, and develop our learning through three core themes: Great British Legends (Autumn), Blitz and Pieces (Spring) and 'Who do you think you are?' (Summer). 

As the oldest pupils at Templars, we encourage our Year 6s to be role models for the younger students and take on further responsibilities to help them build additional skills. As well as fulfilling their roles on the School Council, Year 6 children have the opportunity to enjoy other additional roles, including participating in the Junior Leadership Team.

If you have any queries or questions, please use your class seesaw or call the office and we will get back to you as soon as we can.

PE Days:

6H - Friday
6L - Wednesday
6R - Friday

Please bring PE kit in on a Monday and take home on Friday. PE kit needs to be: white top, black bottoms/jacket/jumper and trainers. This term we are expecting to be outside so children will need warm clothing!

Year 6s love to read!

Lose track of time (and yourself)...dive into a book!

Follow us on Twitter!


Miss Hewett @hewett_miss
Mrs Leigh @MrsL_Y6
Mrs Rubidge @6RTemplars
Miss McLean @MissMcLean75
Mme Parrott @v_parrott
Miss Roberts @Miss_JRoberts1