
Templars Primary School

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Templars Primary School

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British Values

In Year 1 pupils at Templars develop their respect for other cultures and beliefs through their exploration and understanding of our city, Coventry, and its place within British society. Through our topic of ‘Our City of Culture’ we can begin to appreciate our historical heritage and the contributions different people have made to developing our local environment. This topic also helps to develop our understanding of the role of local councils in running our city through democracy. We will also take part in our own democratic vote by nominating our School Council representatives.


Through our ‘Blowing Hot and Cold’ topic work, we investigate how people from different countries, such as Inuits and nomadic communities, have different views of the world and ways of living depending on their environment.


In English, pupils will experience diversity by looking at stories set in different cultures and places across the world. Using a range of authors, the children will reflect upon different perspectives within their life and the lives of others.


In RE and PSHE, Year 1 children continue to develop their knowledge of different types of family, cultures and religions. We learn about special events that people celebrate and explore sacred spaces where people might worship in our local area.  


In PE lessons in this year group the pupils learn about respect and following rules by learning to play a range of team games with their peers.


Through our Forest School sessions, the pupils will demonstrate our core school values by caring for and protecting the environment, respecting each other’s contributions to tasks and learning new skills where every chance is given to every child to be able to achieve a successful outcome.

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