
Templars Primary School

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Templars Primary School

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Internet Safety Tips for you!

Early Years & Key Stage 1.

How do I use devices sensibly?

Goldilocks is naughty with her phone.

What should I do if you find something that upsets me?

Jessie is watching videos when she find something scary...

Is it OK to share photographs on the internet?

Jessie isn't sure about sharing photos...

How can I be internet SMART?

The Adventures of Kara, Winston and the SMART Crew - Full film
If you are in Key Stage 1 here is a great cartoon about magical pirates who need the help of the SMART crew.

Key Stage 2.

Does the internet remember all the good and bad things I do on it?

In this story we learn about the digital footprint we all make when using the internet.

How can I be safe when playing a game on the internet?

Jessie is playing a game on the internet when someone she doesn't know wants to join her game...

What do I need to do to share a video safely?

Learn about the Popcorn Wizards and how they share their band's videos online.

What do I do if someone is mean to me on the internet?

The Popcorn Wizards face fake news being posted about them online.

How can I be tricked on the internet?

In this finale the Popcorn Wizards realised they have been tricked and lied to. Can they fix their problems in time and win the battle of the bands?

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